School is out and summer is in. When preparing for a vacation, it’s always good to bring first-aid items, over-the-counter medicines and other everyday essentials.
Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online, gives us a few tips you may need before you head out on your next family vacation.
Before You Go
Check with your doctor to see if there’s any vaccines needed for your trip (especially if it’s out of the country.) Also, make sure everyone in your family’s tetanus shot is up to date.
If anyone has a medical diagnosis that may put them at risk for certain infections, meet with your doctor before your trip and get the necessary medications. Also, make sure you’ll have enough for the entire trip.
Have the LiveHealth Online app downloaded on your phone for quick access to medical advise when you need it. Depending on where your family vacation takes you, there may not be a doctor nearby, so it’s good to always have one available on your phone.
Beach Vacation & Fun in the Sun
If you’re headed on a beach vacation, be prepared for jellyfish stings. If there is a severe allergic reaction or if it covers more than half of an arm or a leg, seek medical attention immediately by dialing 911.
Many home remedies for less serious stings include vinegar, baking soda and meat tenderizers. Later on, you can apply a mild hydrocortisone cream or oral antihistamine to help relieve itching and swelling.
Depending on what ocean you’re in, treatment may be different depending on the type of jellyfish. See a doctor using the LiveHealth Online app for advice and any questions.
Whether you’re on the beach or just in the heat, it’s always good to have water bottles-stay hydrated, and spray bottles to cool down skin on the back of your neck when you are in the sun for a long period of time. And of course, sunscreen is recommended.
Other Items to Keep on Hand
It’s good to be prepared for tummy aches and traveler’s diarrhea. If you’re traveling out of the country, a doctor may be able to prescribe you an anti-biotic. Otherwise, Pepto-Bismol can be used to ease the stomach pain.
For those everyday trips, these items may definitely come in handy: acetaminophen, band-aids, nasal spray (colds happen even in the summer!), non-perishable snacks and extra water bottles.
Keeping everyone happy and healthy is the most important part of every trip! For those times someone does feel under the weather, visit a doctor using LiveHealth Online right from your hotel room (or tent!).
Comments and opinions from Dr. Mia Finkelston are hers alone. This is content from an interview and is not considered medical treatment.
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