5 Ways to Prepare for Flu Season

Posted on octubre 20, 2016
5 Ways to Prepare for Flu Season

Flu season is quickly approaching. According to the CDC, flu activity tends to increase starting in October, so it’s time to be ready. 

Check out these 5 quick tips on ways to prepare for flu season from Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online.

  1. Get your flu shot as soon as possible, preferably before Halloween.
  2. Have medicines for supportive care at the ready at home, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, cough drops etc.
  3. Be careful about washing your hands often especially if you’ve been in public. Also try to avoid touching your face, as it will help spread the germs.
  4. Keep your core habits at their best: eat well, sleep regular hours and exercise daily. Dr. Finkelston says, “When we are well we can do a better job fighting off an illness.”
  5. Download LiveHealth Online to be ready to talk to a doctor.

 If you think you may have the flu, read what to do if you get the flu and remember you can see a doctor 24/7 using the LiveHealth Online app.

Comments and opinions from Dr. Mia Finkelston are hers alone. This is an essay and is not considered medical treatment.


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