Quick Cures

4 Easy Tips to Prep for Allergy Season
4 Easy Tips to Prep for Allergy Season
Sniffling and sneezing? It’s that time of year. Be ready for allergy season with the meds that work for you. Have them at home, ready to go. Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online, shares a few quick tips to prepare for allergy season. …
A Canker Sore Remedy that May Work
A Canker Sore Remedy that May Work
Has a canker sore been bothering you or your child?  If you think you’ve tried everything that means you’ve tried gels and all of the homemade remedies out there. One home remedy is now proven to be more useful. Aphthous ulcers (canker sores) are among the most common oral…
Cold & Flu Prep Kit
Cold & Flu Prep Kit
With school starting, it makes sense to start preparing for cold and flu season. Why not, after you go back to school shopping for clothes, shoes and supplies, take a trip to the drugstore?   During that trip, be sure to stock your shelves with necessary cold…
Tick Tips & Lyme Disease Prevention
Tick Tips & Lyme Disease Prevention
About 329,000 cases of lyme disease are reported a year according to the CDC. Lyme disease is transmitted through tick bites. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue and a “bulls-eye” rash. An important way to prevent lyme disease is to make sure you perform a tick check on…
Poison Ivy Home Remedy Relief
Poison Ivy Home Remedy Relief
Poison ivy is nearly impossible to avoid if you and your kids love the outdoors. You can try at home remedies to treat poison ivy and help ease the pain (and the itch!) with simple ingredients from the garden and pantry.  Make sure that before trying out any of these…
6 Health and Safety Tips for Better Grilling
6 Health and Safety Tips for Better Grilling
Haven’t used the grill since last summer, but you want to start cooking?   It’s important to make sure your grill is safe to use before you fire it up. On a gas grill, check the tubes that extend from the burner to the control valves for insects or other creatures that may…
Dental Health Tip: Brush Teeth to the Beat
Dental Health Tip: Brush Teeth to the Beat
Play a 2-minute song while your kids brush their teeth and tell them they can’t stop until the song is over. This way tooth brushing doesn’t get cut short. See this and more Health Tips on our Facebook page.