Healthy Tips

5 Ways to Make an Average Day Healthier
5 Ways to Make an Average Day Healthier
Need a few tips for motivation in the morning and feel healthier throughout the day? Try integrating these tips into your normal day. Set your alarm 5-10 minutes earlier and start stretching in bed!  Get out of bed, get on the floor and learn a few…
Back to School Sleep Tips
Back to School Sleep Tips
What time does the bell ring? According to the CDC, 1 in 5 middle and high schools start the school day before 8:30AM, which is the recommended start time. Starting later means students can get…
Stay Hydrated with Smart Snacks
Stay Hydrated with Smart Snacks
Are you bored with drinking eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated? You may love sipping water, but your kids might not. While drinking water is extremely important in the heat, you can also try foods high in water content to help you hydrate. …
5 Reasons to Have Regular, Sit-Down Family Dinners
5 Reasons to Have Regular, Sit-Down Family Dinners
Eating together is good for a child’s stability. Studies show that children who eat with their families are significantly less likely to have trouble with drugs and alcohol and are more likely to perform better in…
8 Powerful Health Benefits of Gardening
8 Powerful Health Benefits of Gardening
Gardening is one of the best things you can do for your body, mind and overall health.  It’s also an excellent way to get outdoors with the kids over the summer.  Here are eight reasons to start digging and planting: You’ll have easy access to fresh produce. Vegetables…
5 Health Benefits of Having a Dog
5 Health Benefits of Having a Dog
Dogs can be great pets for kids and adults, but did you know there are also health benefits to having a dog? Dogs can help boost the immune system particularly in kids. The journal Pediatrics reported that children who are around dogs and cats during the first…
Stomach Flu Q&A
Stomach Flu Q&A
Dec 2014 With so many people traveling over the holidays and coming home to see family, colds and stomach flu can spread rapidly. What do you do when the stomach flu or gastroenteritis strikes a member of your family? Mia Finkelston, a doctor who treats patients for LiveHealth Online,…