Have you ever had a resolution you have kept all year long? Many people start the new year with new diets, new gym memberships and other resolutions, but sometimes it’s tough keeping up with them. We spoke to Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online, about what she…

Are you washing your hands as well as you could? It’s worth the effort to take the time and do it right. Recent studies show that correct hand washing 5 times a day can reduce your chances of contracting a respiratory illness by 45 percent.
Here are some tips:
- Water can be warm or cold—whichever you prefer. The important thing is to use soap!
- Lather for a minimum of 20 seconds—or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.
- Don’t forget to clean under your fingernails! Germs lurk there.
- Work the areas between your fingers.
- If you’ve been spending a lot of time with people or working around heavily touched surfaces, lather your wrists and forearms—better safe than sorry. The same advice applies if you have been spending time with animals or emptying garbage.
- No sink available? Keep a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer available for those no sink, on-the-run situations.
Speak to a doctor online about these issues and more
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