As we spring into warmer weather, and lighter days, we want to look and feel our best. Sometimes getting started in the morning is tough and if we could wake up more easily then we may feel better. While spring is about warm weather, spring cleaning and sunshine – it’s also a good time to try new routines. Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online, recommends some ways to change your routine and get moving in the morning.
- Be organized the night before. Pick out an outfit and have it ready so there are no stressful outfit changes to be made. Stick to this plan, though maybe you change the accessories at the last moment, staying on track with a plan can make you feel that you have accomplished something and make you feel less stressed.
- Take a few minutes to stretch before getting out of the bed. If you tend to hit the snooze a few times, try instead to sit up and deeply breath as you stretch your arms, back and neck. It can be invigorating, keep you flexible (which we tend to lose as we get older) and makes you feel better.
- Take time to get ready. Get ready in your house as opposed to leaving little time and doing your makeup or hair on your way to work or even at work. Feel good about the time you spend on yourself, allow a few minutes more in your morning routine for this. In addition, it is much safer than when you put on makeup or do your hair in a moving car, train, or bus.
- Meditate. Take some time to think about how you are feeling as you get started in your day, not so much about the things you need to do, but more about how you feel. Address these feelings and you will feel calmer as you start the day. There are many great websites you can look at to help guide your thoughts. There are many benefits for your health that are being recognized. Meditating can help manage depression, anxiety, smoking cessation and may lower blood pressure to name a few.
- Eating protein within 30 minutes of wake up. It can help you with energy, weight loss, and concentration. You don’t know it until you try it. Most new changes we make take two weeks of doing until we feel and see the payoff, so give it a try.
- Make a morning ritual for yourself. It’s as simple as having a cup of coffee as you sit and watch the news for 15 minutes. Perhaps you can read a book, take a run or go for a walk. Whatever it is, do it, and feel good about the fact that you are building a habit, having some “me time” or just calming down. We all know that having a constant in our lives makes us feel safer, better and hopefully happier- these are all associated with good health too.
Comments and opinions from Dr. Mia Finkelston are hers alone. This is content from an interview and is not considered medical treatment.
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