Fact or Fiction

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4 Things You May Not Know About Prescriptions
4 Things You May Not Know About Prescriptions
When you’re sick, sometimes not getting a prescription may be frustrating. We talked to Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online about common misconceptions around prescriptions and how she talks to patients who may want to know why an illness doesn’t warrant a prescription.   “Whether I see…
5 Common Back-to-School Illnesses
5 Common Back-to-School Illnesses
Now that school is back in, so are stuffy noses and stomachaches. We talked to Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online to see what the top illnesses are for kids once they are back in school.  1. Common colds (also called URI or Upper Respiratory Infections)…
4 Benefits of Fidgeting & Why You May Not Need a Fidget Spinner
4 Benefits of Fidgeting & Why You May Not Need a Fidget Spinner
You may have seen fidget spinners in the hands of children, teenager and even some adults. While they’ve become a popular toy, many people use it a stress reliever as a replacement for fidgeting with pencils, stress balls, pens or coins. Other ways people fidget include bouncing legs or tapping…
Headaches vs. migraines, what’s the difference anyway?
Headaches vs. migraines, what’s the difference anyway?
When your head gets a severe pain, it may be tough to figure out if it’s a headache or a migraine. During the changing seasons, you may experience this. Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online, shared some differences between the two. She says, a regular headache is…
Eye Infections: Types, Treatment and Prevention
Eye Infections: Types, Treatment and Prevention
Red eyes may be the cause of many different things. The first thought is often pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, but there are 3 major types of conjunctivitis you’ll encounter. What types of eye infections are there? Bacterial eye infections have mucopurulent discharge, which is thicker and…
5 Things You Need to Know About Zika Virus
5 Things You Need to Know About Zika Virus
If you’ve traveled out of the country recently or you and your family are getting ready to pack their bags, you may be concerned about Zika virus. Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. While there hasn’t been any transmission documented in the US, it has been reported…
10 Things You Need to Know about Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
10 Things You Need to Know about Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
  Did you know hand, foot and mouth disease is most common in the summer and early fall? Many people confuse it with chicken pox, but a doctor can usually diagonose it by hearing the symptoms and looking at the sores and blisters. Be aware of the following when it…
8 Facts Everyone Should Know About the Measles
8 Facts Everyone Should Know About the Measles
  Measles is a virus that is spread by respiratory droplets. Measles can be picked up in an elevator, on a bus or train — really, anywhere. The virus is stubborn and airborne transmission has been documented in closed areas (e.g., office examination room) for up to two…
10 Misconceptions About the Flu
10 Misconceptions About the Flu
Flu season is around the corner. At this time of year, millions of Americans are asking themselves the same question, “Should I get a flu shot?” “The answer is yes,” says Dr. Mia Finkelston, MD, who treats patients at LiveHealth Online. “But it’s also important to know what a…