What to Do If You Get the Flu

Posted on enero 5, 2015
What to Do If You Get the Flu

Getting the flu can be awful. If you’re sick and stuck with the flu, what should you do to take care of yourself?

We spoke to Dr. Mia Finkelston who treats patients at LiveHealth Online, for advice she gives flu patients. She offered 10 suggestions for getting over the flu.

  1. Keep your germs to yourself. This means do not go to work and do not go to class. If you’re worried about a boss or a teacher being upset, get a s…lip from your doctor. Doctors do have these and we are happy to provide them.
  2. If you share a bed with someone, sleep on the couch.
  3. Sleep. You fight off infection better when you are rested. Sleep gives your body time to heal. When you rest, your immune system is not distracted by other challenges, so your body can fully focus on getting better.
  4. Drink a lot of fluids: water, lemonade, tea, whatever feels good and is not laden with sugar or caffeine. Nutrient-dense drinks like smoothies can help improve energy.
  5. Take acetaminophen and ibuprofen together. For most people, this combination can really help with the aches, pains and fever.
  6. Soak in a warm tub: This is a good way to soothe sore muscles and joints. Scented bath products can also lift your spirits.
  7. Eat good food. Make it nutrient-dense. You want to keep your body nourished.
  8. Take it easy and do not hurry back to your regular routine. Give yourself time to feel better. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, let the laundry wait. And once you do go back to your regular schedule, you may tire easily. Make sure not to overdo it.
  9. Think positive. The flu may feel like the end of the world, but with rest and care, it will end.
  10. If you have any chronic illnesses, then definitely see your doctor. If you feel worse than usual or the things you usually try are not working, see your doctor right away.  

If you have any questions about the flu, you can always reach a doctor using LiveHealth Online or download our app at Google Play or the App Store.

Comments and opinions from Dr. Mia Finkelston are hers alone. This is an essay and is not considered medical treatment.

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